It's spring in Wisconsin, and the first flowers are starting to peak through the soil. I see small sprouts from tulips and daffodils popping up across my yard. I've waited all winter to see them grow, and I'll have to wait a little longer to see them bloom. I'm in no rush because I know growth takes time. I can't force the flowers to bloom, but I'll be excited when they do.
The same goes for personal growth. Why are we in a rush? We can't force ourselves to love our bodies overnight. It takes time, patience and dedication. Just when you think you're not getting anywhere, a small sprig of self love will sprout. Then it will flower and bloom. You need to give yourself time.
Babe A is working on that growth. She celebrated her body with a boudoir shoot and shared her story with us. Check out her session and story. We can all relate to some part of it.
How do you feel about your body? Growing to love it more and more, I realized I would be hyping my friends up about facing their insecurities but ignoring my own. Through trying new things that push my comfort zone and talking the same way to myself I feel better about it.
What's your best tip for feeling sexy? Put on your favorite lingerie, generally a great mood booster, even if its just for you.

What gets better with age? Personality, confidence, you name it. Growth is important and learning from the past keeps you changing.
What's the best compliment you've ever received? "I love how you keep it real."
What do you wish you could tell your younger self? I wish I could tell her not to be afraid of stepping outside your comfort zone and to try something you never thought to do even if you are the only one doing it.

What's your favorite form of self care?
My favorite form of self care is taking the day or night to yourself to do your favorite things. Mine include taking a long shower, face mask, painting my nails, and watching a movie.

Ready to book your boudoir experience? Contact me here.