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Writer's pictureAlicia Schmitt

I Am an Advocate for Body Diversity

For the past six months, I have been working hard to make sure the images on my social media and my website showcased diverse and marginalized bodies. I think the variety of our bodies is amazing, and if I’m going to stand here and say we all deserve to celebrate our bodies, then I need to show those bodies off!

I want every single person to know that their body is worthy of being photographed. We don’t need to hide our bodies just because we don’t see similar sizes or shapes in photos or on TV. Thankfully with social media, that’s been changing, and my Instagram and website need to be part of that change. You should be able to look at a boudoir photographer’s portfolio and relate to some of their photos in some way. I want you to see stretchmarks, rolls, cellulite, different races, different ages and different physical abilities. My portfolio still has a way to go. I know that their are women out there who still aren’t represented in my portfolio yet, but I promise to always be working on that. I want to challenge our culture’s belief on what “beautiful” means. I want to provide a safe place where all women feel accepted and loved. If people come to my website and they see someone and say “I relate to that person,” then I’m headed in the right direction. Buxom Boudoir should be a place where every person can enjoy themselves, and that’s why I’m an advocate for body diversity.

After six months, I felt that my portfolio was finally ready to be viewed by Confident Curves, and they’ve accepted me onto their website and awarded me with their badge! I’m thrilled to be an advocate, and I can’t wait to see how my portfolio grows and diversifies in the coming year. And lastly, thank you to the women who agreed to let me share their photos. Without you, I wouldn’t have such a beautiful portfolio. Your support is the reason I can be an advocate, and I’m forever grateful.

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