There's a bit of a misconception about boudoir that the only reason to do it is if you have someone special to give these photos to you. Boudoir is an awesome gift - no doubt about that. Babe S plans on giving these photos to her fiancé, but that's a cherry on top of the self love cake! Boudoir is first and foremost for you. It doesn't matter if anyone else on this planet even sees these photos because the purpose of a boudoir shoot is to empower YOU! We focus on celebrating, documenting and loving the intricacies of you and your body. No one else needs to benefit from these photos unless you want them to. That's what makes boudoir such an amazing genre. It's solely about the subject in the photo and not the viewer. I can't think of another genre of photography that does that.
This is one of the many reasons I loved shooting with Babe S. Someone special will get to enjoy these photos with her, but more importantly, she did this shoot to show how far she's come on her body image journey. She's learned how to appreciate her body, and she's in a really good place with it right now. That sounds like something worth celebrating to me! Check out her session and her story. And remember, boudoir is all about you! You are special enough to deserve a photo shoot, and you don't need any other reason than that.

How do you feel about your body? I love my body! Don't get me wrong there are plenty of things that I'd like to change. But, overall I'm happy with how I look and feel. I've worked hard to work out and eat right and I feel like I'm in a good spot where I'm truly happy with the progress I've made.
What's your best tip for feeling sexy? Wearing sexy lingerie works wonders. Whether it's on a casual work day or a special night out, throw on your favorite lingerie and you'll feel hot, confident, and extra sexy!
How do you feel about your age? I definitely don't feel my age. I still think I'm 21, but my body aches say otherwise. Seriously though getting close to 30 does get scary, but this is such an exciting time. Having a positive career and wedding to look forward to, I feel amazing knowing how much I've accomplished in my life so far.

What gets better with age? Self love and confidence! Things get more and more exciting as you hit new milestones. I used to be so worried going out without make up or my hair done. Now I am so much more confident in myself, my body, and my appearance.
What's the best compliment you've ever received? Someone once told me that my smile lights up a room. It was someone I didn't know well so hearing this made me feel amazing!

What have you overcome or accomplished that you're proud of?
I did my first boudoir shoot after a bad break-up, I was super skinny from not eating enough, really just making myself sick and anxiety riddled. It was an amazing experience, but I was not in a great place emotionally or physically. After a while I started working out, eating right, journaling, and getting back with friends. Eventually, I met my now fiancé and I'm in a much better place overall. Healthy, happy and so thrilled to have done another boudoir shoot to celebrate this! I'm so excited to have these photos!!

What's your favorite form of self care?
Yoga!! I love to stretch after a good workout, but even more so on a busy work day I'll take 10-15 minutes at the end of the day to stretch, breath, and relax alone.

It's time to celebrate that amazing bod of yours and all you've accomplished with it! Let's set up your phone consultation to go over your boudoir options.